Mobile Science Exhibition
Science Centre acts as a bridge between scientific & technological institutions and the society keeping the public updated about the progress made in various fields of science & technology. As most of the science centres / museums are in big cities the mobile science exhibition programme caters to the rural populace specially rural students.
The mobile science exhibition unit consists of 20 participatory exhibits on a particular theme. The exhibits give the visitor/student an opportunity to learn through a process of interaction and discovery. The unit remains on tour for about 5 to 6 months in a year, covering a minimum of 60 sites. It generally remains in a school for 2 days.
Apart from this, to supplement the classroom teaching on science, the unit also take Science Demonstration Lecture kits, telescope and video film projector with selected science films which are screened in the rural schools
The exhibition is normally organised in predetermined schools in close coordination with education department. At each site neighbouring schools are invited. Each exhibition unit covers over 1.5 lac rural students each year. The exhibition themes also change after 2-3 years.
Currently the exhibition titled The Human Body and General Science is mounted on a bus.
The Unit is on its tour to Ratnagiri District of Maharashtra. Click here to see school wise programme