International Year of Millets-2023
As we are aware that, in recognition of the importance of millets as a nutritious and sustainable food source, the United Nations General Assembly has declared 2023 as the International Year of Millets. This initiative aims to raise awareness about the nutritional and ecological benefits of millets and promote their consumption worldwide.
As a part of the celebration Goa Science Centre in collaboration with ICAR- Central
Coastal Agricultural Research Institute will be organizing various programs highlighting importance of millets.
As a part of the celebration a workshop on topic “Shree Anna: Role of millets in
global nutritional security, climate adaption, health and prosperity” will be organized in the auditorium of Goa Science Centre by Dr. Parveen Kumar, Director, ICAR-Central Coastal Agricultural Research Institute, Goa on 14th August 2023 from 10.00am to 12.00Noon. The workshop will be for the schools and higher secondary teachers and therefore request the school authority to kindly depute two teachers from your institution to participate in the workshop. The sample exhibition on millets will also inaugurate on the same day. The participatory certificate will be awarded to all the participants.
Also a Popular Science lectures will be organized in the auditorium of Goa Science Centre for the schools & higher secondary students for which each institution are requested to send 20 students. There are limited seats and entry will be given on first come first serve basis. Last date of registration is 10th August 2023.
Click here for details and letter to schools for registration